Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Star Facts

The sun is the closest star to earth

Hotter stars are blue, while cooler ones are red

There are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy and over 100 billion galaxies

Hydrogen makes up 90%+ of all matter in the universe

On any given night approximately 2000 stars are visible

Light from the sun takes about 8 minutes to reach earth

Not even light can escape a black hole

Stars age between 1 and 10 billion years old

The stars in the milky way galaxy take around 200 millions years to revolve

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Interesting Facts

75% of woman manage the American households bills

It snows more in the Grand Canyon compared to Minnesota

Until 1935 Iran was known as Persia

Swallowing stones help the Crocodile dive deeper

Bees kill more people than sharks

The heart pumps 1.5 million gallons of blood per year

The fastest growing fingernail is the middle while the thumb nail is the slowest growing

The average person looses 50% of their taste buds by age 60

A quarter has 119 ridges around, the dime has 118

The average person has 2 million sweat glands

Approximately half of Americans know that the sun is a star (star facts)